Monday, August 18, 2008
Matilija Dam Aug 7 meeting
On Aug 7, 2008, the Matilija Dam "Design Oversight Group" met for an all-day meeting in Ventura. Over 40 people participated, including several property owners and interested local residents.
The group was brought up to date on current schedule and funding, and discussions were conducted regarding several of the project design components. The schedule shown here represents a slight slip, with completed dam removal now scheduled for 2014.
Supervisor Bennett noted that this meeting marks the beginning of the second phase of the project, and there will now be bi-monthly stakeholder meetings. This is significant, as we have recognized the need for increased information sharing and have pushed for renewed communications as the details of this complex project are worked out. It is essential for the success of this project that all stakeholders are involved as final decisions are made. The next meetings will be held on Oct 2 and Dec 4.
More info and technical studies are available on the project website