Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Ventura Ecosystem Based Management Overview

The Ventura River bioregion is under severe stress from historic watershed alteration and increasing urban pressures. A comprehensive solution to watershed management and restoration has been limited by fragmented management. This is manifested in conflicts over water supply, precipitous declines in anadromous fish, flood damages, loss of habitat, beach erosion, and degraded water quality.

Our strategy is to envision, promote, and ultimately implement “on the ground” restoration projects to demonstrate the viability of Ecosystem Based Management. Tactics to accomplish this strategy include:

  • Communicating a shared vision through education and outreach; coordination and advocacy; and engaging the community and decision makers in EBM processes for the Ventura River watershed.
  • Conceptual planning through research, integration, conceptual design, visualization, technical review, and stakeholder perspective.
  • Monitoring through scientific, observational and policy scrutiny; policy review; agency communication/compliance; publicity; and legal action as needed.

We will utilize the tactics listed above to achieve the following project objectives:

1. Surfers’ Point Managed Shoreline Retreat:
Restore coastal ecosystem function by relocating damaged infrastructure to reestablish the natural “erosion buffer zone,” dune and intertidal habitat, and mitigate existing water quality impacts.
2. Matilija Dam Ecosystem Restoration Project: Restore ecosystem connectivity to benefit anadromous fishery and coastal sediment supplies while enhancing water quality and
3. Urban Watershed: Promote a plan for urban storm water management in a small coastal
watershed and identify potential pilot project opportunities including parks, streetscapes,
storm drain retrofits, and coastal wetlands restoration.
4. Watershed Restoration: Restore and enhance ecosystem function to support water supply, water quality, habitat and recreation; and influence local policy and planning