Thursday, June 26, 2008

Matilija Dam - slurry disposal alternatives

Slurry Disposal to undergo Alternatives Analysis and CEQA review

Over the past few months, the Matilija Coalition, CalTrout, Ojai Valley Land Conservancy, and CA Dept of Fish and Game have all expressed concerns about the Slurry Disposal component of the Matilija Dam project. This issue was summarized here:

It seems our collective voice has been heard. Firstly, the $4.5M Coastal Conservancy grant funding approved on June 5 does not include money that was intended for acquisition of an easement or right to deposit the silt on property adjacent to the Ventura River Preserve. (This grant will fund acquisition of floodplain property below the dam and design for Camino Cielo and Santa Ana bridges.) Secondly, there will now be a comprehensive alternatives analysis and CEQA review of all the sites outlined in the Feasibility Report. This comes in response to our concerns that adequate review had not been completed to make a final decision for land acquisition for the slurry disposal. The Corps of Engineers has hired a consultant to perform this review and CEQA document.