Saturday, April 19, 2008: This year's Ventura Earth Day event included an Expo at the City Lot on Sanjon Road and a Green Home and Garden Tour sponsored by the
Midtown Community Council. The Expo included a large array of educational and environmental groups to explain simple and more complex steps you might want

to consider to help you be a better steward of this little planet of ours.
Surfrider Ventura Chapter representatives hosted a table at the Expo with information about the work we have been doing for the past 16 years.
The Midtown Green Home and Garden Tour allowed residents to see what their neighbors have already done in their homes and gardens. The Surfrider Foundation presented an
"Ocean Friendly Garden" example to demonstrate the concepts of "CPR: Conservation, Permeability, and Retention." Throughout the day over 100 people visited the garden.

The home tour included a printed guide book with descriptions of the environmental aspects of the dozen homes. This page was published in the guide to provide an overview of the "Ocean Friendly" concept.