BEACON has just released the most comprehensive overview of the Santa Barbara/Ventura County coast to date. The Beach Erosion Authority for Clean Oceans and Nourishment (BEACON) is a California Joint Powers agency established in 1992 to address coastal erosion, beach nourishment and clean oceans within the Central California Coast from Point Conception to Point Mugu.
The study includes some interesting graphics describing the state of our coast. This image illustrates the extent of coastal armoring (seawalls, revetments, etc)

This graphic illustrates shoreline trends.

Some of the proposed projects are:
- Investigate the feasibility of beach preservation and enhancement projects at Arroyo Burro County Beach, Butterfly Beach, Summerland Beach, Santa Claus Beach, and La Conchita Beach using multi-purpose offshore reef sand retention solutions.
- Designate the Ventura River Delta as a gravel, boulders, and cobble (GBC) sediment and nourishment maintenance zone.
- Designate the Matilija Dam as a regional sediment source site and support removal of the dam.
- Implement the Surfers Point Managed Retreat Project.
- Implement the Pierpont Beach wind blown sand management project.
- Investigate the feasibility of capturing sand for beneficial reuse just before it falls into the Mugu Submarine Canyon

The study also includes an economic analysis which makes the case for widening beaches. The study is available on the BEACON website, and comments are being accepted.