Last week the Ventura County Star reported that there was renewed interest in the potential annexation of Cañada Larga into the City of Ventura in order to facilitate development. Cañada Larga is a tributary to the Ventura River, with its confluence downstream of Foster Park.
Although it is not clear whether or not the City will reconsider this issue, the Ventura County Chapter of the Surfrider Foundation wrote a letter to City Council, below, outlining our support for the infill strategy provided for in the 2005 General Plan.
May 10, 2010
TO: Ventura City Council
SUBJECT: Potential Annexation of Cañada Larga
The Ventura County Chapter of the Surfrider Foundation opposes the potential annexation of Cañada Larga into the City of Ventura.
We strongly advocate that the City of Ventura adheres to the guidance provided by the 2005 General Plan. The intent of that plan was to concentrate development within the city boundaries, favoring ‘infill development’ over ‘urban sprawl.’ This is in keeping with the ‘New Urbanist’ approach to city planning that has demonstrated long term economic and watershed benefits.
We are concerned about the watershed impacts from sprawling development and the potential degradation of water quality. The Local Government Commission outlines these issues in the 2008 study Water Resources and Land Use Planning: Watershed-based Strategies for Ventura County. This study focuses on land use planning in Ventura County, and provides specific policy recommendations for aligning land use planning, community design and stormwater/watershed management programs. This document provides a technical rationale for concentrating development within the city limits, as supported by the 2005 General Plan.
We urge the City of Ventura to concentrate our limited resources on infill development, and resist the urge to sprawl beyond our city limits.
A. Paul Jenkin
Environmental Director, Surfrider Foundation - Ventura County Chapter
Reference: Water Resources and Land Use Planning: Watershed-based Strategies for Ventura County, Local Government Commission ,
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