The renewed permit approves the reclamation plan, expansion of the mining operations to include the use of a rock crusher, and expanded hours of operation. The 1995 Environmental Impact Report was amended to accommodate these changes, stating that there is no impact to the endangered steelhead due to silt basins that have been installed as mitigation. The southern steelhead was added to the endangered species list in 1997.
The County received comment letters from Santa Barbara Channelkeeper, Casitas Municipal Water District (CMWD), the Environmental Coalition, and Ojai Stop the Trucks! Coalition.
Despite the relatively dry winter, Santa Barbara ChannelKeeper continues to document impacts to North Fork Matilija Creek. These impacts are clearly illustrated in this video:
In the news:
November 18, 2010
Quarry owner fails to get violations overturned
April 11, 2011
Ojai Quarry owner drops appeal
October 27, 2011:
County proposes to shut Ojai mine after owner refuses to pay up
December 13, 2011:
Mosler quarry heads for showdown before county Planning Commission
December 15, 2011:
Ventura County Planning Commission delays decision on quarry near Ojai
January 10, 2012:
State deals business blow to Ojai Quarry
February 20, 2012:
Regulators, quarry operator moving toward deal
February 23, 2012:
In Ojai, quarry owner expects to be back in business
April 12, 2012:
Ojai Quarry owner presents cleanup plans
More info:
Stop the Trucks Coalition: