Monday, March 21, 2016

Surfers Point Spring Workdays

 Sunday March 20, 2016
Surfrider volunteers weeding non-native plants in restored dunes at Surfers' Point 3-20-2016

 A small group of Surfrider volunteers completed a successful volunteer work day at Surfers' Point.

Lots of non-native sea rocket was removed from the dunes as well as Mediterranean barley, iceplant, cheeseweed, and sweetclover.  Volunteers also pruned large plants in the bioswale to open up sight lines between the parking lot and beach.

The Ventura County Chapter of the Surfrider Foundation continues the long-term commitment to the project, which serves as a great example of a volunteer managed site with a high level of public use.

The Spring 2016 workday schedule is March 20,  April 9 and May 1.

non-native Sea Rocket can overpower native dune plants

Cobble berm after the biggest winter since construction 3-20-2016