Thursday, January 31, 2019

Surfers' Point project moves forward

On January 22, 2019, the Ventura County Fair Board unanimously voted in support of the conceptual plan for Phase 2 of the Managed Shoreline Retreat Project.  Many thanks to the board members and all those who took time out of their morning to learn more about the project and show their support!

Concept Plan for Phase 2 of the Surfers' Point Managed Shoreline Retreat Project, Feb 2019

Last year the Fair board voted in support of a successful grant request to the California Ocean Protection Council which will provide the funding to complete final engineering and design in 2019.   Assuming grant funding is secured, this opens the potential for project construction by 2021.

In the meantime, this year's high tides and winter swells continue to damage the bike path, making  progress more critical than ever.

More info: