Another dam has been removed in the Pacific Northwest. We have been watching and learning as our partners on the Matilija Dam project demonstrate success on other rivers.
The Middle Fork Nooksack River Fish Passage project is one of several case studies that has been examined as a strategy for modifying the Robles Diversion Dam downstream of Matilija Dam. Diversion dams can be particularly tricky as there is a need to not only pass the increased sediment expected with Matilija Dam removal, but also maintain water diversion and fish passage. In the Nooksack case, this is accomplished by moving water diversion intakes upstream and completely removing the existing diversion dam.
According to the City of Bellingham, the Nooksack River Fish Passage project will restore access to approximately 16 miles of pristine spawning and rearing habitat in the upper Middle Fork for three Endangered Species Act (ESA) listed Puget Sound fish species: spring Chinook salmon, Steelhead and Bull Trout. Project elements and related benefits include moving the point of diversion just upstream of the existing location to eliminate the need for the dam; dam removal and channel restoration to restore habitat connectivity; and installation of fully compliant fish screens for fish protection.
In the news:
Bang! Watch a Nooksack River dam finally coming down, freeing miles for fish habitat, Seattle Times, July 20, 2020
More information:
American Rivers: reimagining-a-river-the-middle-fork-nooksack
NOAA Fisheries: dam-removal-brings-hope-salmon-washingtons-middle-fork-nooksack-river
City of Bellingham:
On this blog:
Watching the Dams Come Down- Elwha
Watching the dams come down - Elwha beaches
Watching the Dams Come Down - Condit