Friday, October 15, 2010

Blog action day - Water

Blog Action Day is an annual event held every October 15 that unites the world’s bloggers in posting about the same issue on the same day with the aim of sparking a global discussion and driving collective action. This year's topic is water.

Blog Action Day 2010: Water from Blog Action Day on Vimeo.

This Ventura River Ecosystem blog has been a means to communicate the complex issues that our community faces in stewardship of our watershed and coastal resources. It is increasingly clear that 'Ecosystem-based Management' is all about water. How we manage our fresh water directly impacts our coast and ocean. Water is the universal fluid that directly connects our actions on land with the sea that we all depend upon.

The Ventura River Watershed is a microcosm for water and watershed management. With an area of only 225 square miles, the Ventura River is small enough to provide an opportunity to develop a model of holistic management. Our watershed includes all the pieces of the puzzle: from highly urbanized areas to small rural communities; large dam removal to 'ocean friendly gardens;' a large surface reservoir to local aquifers. In this climate of flood and drought, we need to begin to coordinate our efforts in a sustainable manner. Because climate change adaptation is all about Water.

Although it seems we are currently stuck in the cycle of 'one step forward and two steps backward,' my hope is that this blog will help serve to raise the level of awareness in our community so that we may move forward with a common vision - one that will provide a sustainable future for our children and our children's children. Our lives depend on it.