Saturday, November 12, 2011
Ojai FLOW hosts water forum
Nov 9, 2011 - Ojai FLOW, along with the Ojai Valley Green Coalition and Friends of the Ventura River, held a public meeting to provide information about the campaign to secure local control of water supply in the City of Ojai. According to the press, around 200 people turned out.
Ojai FLOW has successfully brought the community together to demonstrate that the Ojai Valley is aware of the threat to our ecosystem when outside corporate interests control a water supply. There are many examples from around the world and in the United States in which corporations have drastically impacted local communities through profit-motivated actions that overdraft local water supplies.
Recent actions by Golden State and the PUC demonstrate that they do not answer to the community. In contrast, Casitas Municipal Water District, as well as the other water districts in the valley, are controlled by a locally elected board which gives the community some control over water management practices.
We all depend on the responsible management of our water supply. With ever increasing pressure on this limited supply, it is crucial that the community is able to work together in a cooperative manner to ensure future sustainability.
More info:
In the News:
On this blog: Ojai citizens want local control of water
water supply