On Oct 21, 2020, BEACON presented a concept for improved beach access at the popular "Mondos Cove." The preliminary plan illustrates a new concrete stairway to provide access over the boulder riprap shoreline down to the beach.
The following are comments submitted on behalf of the Ventura County Chapter of the Surfrider Foundation:
RE: Mondos Cove Public Beach Access Stairway Preliminary Design
Dear Marc,
Thanks for your presentation on the preliminary design concept for improving beach access at Mondos Cove beach along Old Pacific Coast Highway in Ventura County. The gentle waves at this popular beach have introduced surfing to many residents and visitors, but parking along the busy highway and access to the sand over the boulder riprap can be hazardous, especially for families with small children. Surfrider supports the efforts of BEACON to improve beach access at Mondos Cove. Please consider the following comments as you advance this important project:
Other locations should be considered for the crosswalk and stairs. The current proposal places foot traffic at the narrowest part of the highway and potentially creates a safety hazard for families waiting to cross the highway with small children, bulky beach gear, and surfboards. Safety may be improved by moving the stairway a short distance to the southeast, or providing two separate crosswalks.
The current stairway design encroaches onto the beach. Constructing stairs in the manner shown will expose the structure to unnecessary damage during winter storms. During periods of high waves waves break on the boulder revetment and there is very little sandy beach. As witnessed elsewhere in the county, wave action and impact from cobblestone and other debris will erode the proposed concrete stairway. As currently drawn, the bottom few stairs are particularly vulnerable. This situation will only worsen with rising sea levels. (See https://www.venturariver.org/2010/07/ventura-promenade-repairs.html)
Consider building the stairs parallel to the road so they are protected by a wall on the ocean side - ideally the whole structure would be within the footprint of the existing riprap. The Coastal Commission may require this as part of their permitting process. The structure will last longer with a parallel configuration, and this is what most of the private stairways look like along adjacent Pitas Point. (see attached sketch and photo)
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Sketch (in red) showing alternative stairway alignment to avoid beach encroachment and minimize future damage |
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Aerial view of parallel stairway alignments along Pitas Point |
Stairway design may be optimized by adjusting the rise and run. The current design shows 6” risers, which results in a lot of stairs and a long run. Depending on applicable code, stair rise could be increased to 7” or 8” (IRC (International Residential Code) calls for a maximum rise of 7 3⁄4”.) This would make the length of the stairs more compact, but a bit steeper.
Other materials should be considered. Given the uncertainty of future planning and accommodation for sea level rise, a simple timber stairway (or two) installed over the riprap may serve to enhance beach access for the next decade or more. This may be a cheaper and easier alternative to provide a short- to medium-term solution. Many of the adjacent homeowners have wooden accessways that seem to be quite durable.
ADA option should also include stairs. If an ADA ramp is desired, stairs should also be included. The accessway constructed with the recent seawall reconstruction down the coast did not include stairs, and the long switchbacking slope of the ADA ramp is awkward.
Consider long term planning for the site. An integrated plan should be considered to include parking, traffic control, protection of utilities, as well as beach access. For example, a seawall may be needed in the future to protect the highway and extensive utility lines on the ocean side of the street. Parking should be improved to provide a safer, cleaner environment. Signage and speed bumps or other traffic calming measures should be considered to slow traffic through this high use area. Whatever is built now should be able to accommodate future changes.
Develop an alternatives analysis. Given the limited budget for constructing improved beach access at this site, other conceptual alternatives should be developed considering the suggestions above with cost estimates in order to determine the best course of action.
Surfrider has consistently advocated for improved safety and access at Mondos Cove beach for the past two decades. We appreciate this new initiative and look forward to working with BEACON on developing a cost effective and timely solution to this important concern for all beachgoers.
UPDATE May 2021:
from BEACON: https://beacon.ca.gov/news/mondos-cove-beach-access-stairway/
Mondo’s Cove Beach access stairway revised design drawing and description is included below. Based on the input from neighboring residents, stakeholders and interested members of the public, the consultants to BEACON, Jensen Design and Survey, Inc., have produced a revised stairway design and orientation that better addresses site conditions and alignment of the shoreline.