On Friday July 22, the Ojai Valley Land Conservancy celebrated the latest acquisition along the Ventura River. Named the 'Ventura Steelhead Preserve,' the property includes a large historic farm house that will eventually become a community 'watershed center.'
This property compliments the Confluence Preserve on the opposite bank of the river. This stretch of the river is within the 'Live Reach,' so named for the year-round flows.
The land conservancy now protects 6 miles of the river, with the ultimate goal of creating a river parkway the entire 16 miles from Matilija Dam to the ocean.
Unfortunately, after a newspaper article publicized the event, people were seen attempting to fish in the area. The trout in the Ventura River below Matilija Dam are protected, and game wardens are citing those who are caught fishing. You can report fishing by calling the DFG CALTIP hotline: 888-334-2258
For those interested in visiting the new Preserve and learning more, the Ojai Valley Land Conservancy is holding a panel discussion and hike on July 30, from 10am to noon. More information: http://www.ovlc.org/2011/07/healing-our-watershed-wild-about-ojai-july-30th/
In the News:
Ojai Valley Land Conservancy: http://www.ovlc.org/