- An assessment of existing conditions and policies to identify needs and opportunities.
- A narrative explaining links between land use regulations in Ventura County and watershed health.
- Specific policy recommendations for aligning land use planning, community design and stormwater/watershed management programs.
- Technical review sheets to guide alignment of local codes and planning programs with stormwater and watershed management programs.
Water Resources and Land Use Planning: Watershed-based Strategies for Ventura County

Short Term
▼ Revise and update existing code requirements related to Stormwater Management.
▼ For the next General Plan cycle, develop broad themes of joint water/land development objectives.
▼ Elevate the role of sub-area planning as a watershed tool in General Plans and Codes.
▼ Explore use of existing planning tools to delineate sub-regional mitigation programs or RPAMPS and include in integrated water resources management plan.
▼ Improve design of pending capital improvements for permit compliance.
▼ Develop a first year plan for alignment, with notice of changes requiring State or Water Board action.
▼ Create a multi-disciplinary BMP team.
▼ Create a Water Mitigation Enterprise Fund.
Medium Term
▼ Create specialized “menu combinations” of BMPs based on the land development context and pollutants of concern.
▼ Scope out neighborhoods where pollutant/volume loading is high yet where developer driven BMP installment potential is low.
▼ Begin to develop hydromodification control strategies related to land development,
redevelopment and retrofit.
Long Term
▼ Implement a Watershed Wide EIR and premap a compact/redevelopment preferred
▼ Explore software to track smart growth, structural and non-structural BMPs.