Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Surfers Point stewardship days

Surfrider and the City of Ventura continue to sponsor volunteer work days at Surfers Point.  Spring weeding is an ongoing part of the ongoing dune restoration process.  The two events this year focused once again on the non-native plants "Sea Rocket" and "Ice Plant."

Over 20 volunteers came out for the morning on February 11, with over 50 on April 9.  The timing was perfect, with the opportunity to remove fresh sprouts in February and the remainder before seeds matured in April, so that next year we should see reduced re-sprouting.

Volunteers weeding Sea Rocket (foreground)
BEFORE - non-native Sea Rocket in foredunes (Photo Dave Hubbard)
AFTER - only native plants remain, with room to spread (Photo Dave Hubbard)

Careful removal of Sea Rocket amongst native flowering plants

These Cal Lutheran students removed a large growth of Ice Plant near the Ventura River levee