The California Department of Fish and Wildlife announced that it will award $3.3 million to the Matilija Dam project.
The grant was part of $40 million in Proposition 1 funds awarded for "water quality, river and watershed protection, and restoration projects for vital waterways throughout California." Proposition 1 was passed by California voters in 2014.
This grant will be administered by the Ventura County Watershed Protection District to complete engineering design and environmental permitting for the dam removal project. A three-year timeframe will result in a "shovel ready" project by 2020.
The successful Prop 1 grant proposal was compiled by county staff with support from the Matilija Coalition, California Trout, and the Ventura River Watershed coordinator, along with other agency support.
These efforts are coordinated by the Matilija Dam Funding Committee, which was formed earlier this year following the consensus agreement on the dam removal project.
In the news:
CDFW Awards $40 Million for Ecosystem and Watershed Restoration and Protection Projects, CDFW news
County gets $3 million for Matiljia Dam removal, VCStar 12-26-2016
Grant approved in effort to remove Matilija Dam, VC Reporter 12-28-2016